Assist Caregivers is a non-profit sole proprietorship.
Assist Caregivers is absolutely free for everyone. We do not charge anything. No gimmicks, no service upgrade pricing, no hidden
costs – no costs at all. We have beared and will continue to bear all the expense of developing the web site, the applications,
and technical infrastructure.
We provide assistance to caregivers, companies, and others that care for people. We started
Assist Caregivers because we truly believe in helping people. We believe there are a few
things in life that should not come with a price tag, one of them is using technology to assist in caring for
people. We came to this belief because of our personal life experiences.
Assist Caregivers is not our full-time jobs. Expensive technical infrastructure is not within our budget. Because everything we provide is free, we have to
keep the costs down. With that in mind, please do not expect blazing speeds while using our site or soon to be released mobile applications. If you ever want to buy us a cup of cofee or help us build up our infrastructure,
you can help us and our users by donating via Patreon.
Our web site and mobile application may not provide all the desired features as
other similar paid-for services, but we think for many it will be sufficient. There appear to be
other more robust paid-for software alternatives you may want to consider depending on your needs, including:
We cannot recommend any one of the above in particular because we have not used them.
Why We Started Assist Caregivers – Our Beloved Sister, Mary Wondrash (née Olson)
Mary wed the love of her life, Jeffery Wondrash in 1986. Jeffery was Mary’s world. Tragically in 2011, Jeffery suffered severe
brain damage that left him unable to care for himself. Mary took care of Jeffery the best she was able,
but Mary also suffered from disabilities.
Mary passed away in 2022. Mary’s dying concern was not for herself but for Jeffery – that
Jeffery would always be taken care of. Thankfully, Jeffery receives excellent care 24 hours a
day in his home and at The Threshold. The Threshold is a local, charitable, non-profit
organization that helps “people reach their full potential, through guidance, caring support,
education and opportunity.” Visit The Threshold to learn more about what they do.
After Mary's passing, Mary's brother became Jeffery’s court-appointed legal guardian and personal representative.
Mary's brother finds being responsible for Jeffery rewarding, not only because he is helping Jeffery live
the best life he can, but because he is fulfilling Mary’s wishes. Unfortunately, like for so many
others, Mary's brother cannot devote himself to Jeffery 100% on a daily basis because he and his brother,
Robert Olson, provide care for their elderly mother who lives with them and is in need of much care.
Mary's brother relies on caregivers and others to provide the daily care Jeffery needs. But Mary's brother worries
about Jeffery quite often, not because of the level of care Jeffery receives, but because Jeffery has
very specific needs that Mary's brother is concerned will be overlooked because of the numerous people involved in
Jeffery’s care.
Mary's brother thought it would be very useful if there were a place online where
caregivers, organizations, guardians, and/or family members could check in on the daily care of someone like
Jeffery. The primary consideration is that it would have to be easy to use.
The website and apps would assist in making sure medications were taken, reminding care providers of an individual's particular needs, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc. All those
involved could post notes throughout the day, keeping all those involved informed. The information would be in a centralized location, alleviating the need for repetitive
conversations, phone calls, emails, text messages, etc., ultimately for the purposes of minimizing confusion and reducing the workload for all those involved.
This was not a new idea, as there are already companies that provide the technical services as mentioned
above, but those companies understandably have to charge for their technical services. They have employees, offices, and costly technical infrastructure. We are not competing with any other company
that provides similar services, we are providing a free service.
Mary's brother and her other brother Robert realized that there are many people and businesses that cannot afford to pay for a monthly based subscription, so
Robert developed this website, the mobile applications, and the
API (application programing interface) that has become Assist Caregivers.
And that is why Assist Caregivers was founded. We hope what we have created helps in some way.
Robert T. Olson, Founder
Robert is an attorney, software achitect, and full-stack developer, including mobile applications. He operates the Olson Law Firm and Visual Extent.
He designed and developed (and continues to develop) Assist Caregivers web site, desktop applications, mobile applications and API. If something
does not work, it's Robert's fault.
Robert currently works as an attorney for the New York City Department of Education.