Assist Caregivers Terms of Use
Last updated: December 23, 2024
1. Definitions
A. You.
“You” means any user of Assist Caregivers web site, mobile applications, or any other software and service provided Assist Caregivers provides and/or may provide.
B. Us.
“Us” means “We,” “Our,” “ours,” and Assist Caregivers, its founders, owners, developers, executives, managers, employees, board of directors, heirs, assignees, shareholders, organizers, as the case may be now or in the future.
C. Recipient.
“Recipient” means the person receiving care from another, whether that be a sibling, parent, child, spouse, or other commonly accepted type of relative, a caregiver, caregivers, a company, companies, a legal guardian, a legal conservator.
2. Prohibit Acts.
We reserve the sole right at our discretion to determine what act constitute a prohibit act and take action accordingly,
including but not limited to suspension of accounts no matter the type, barring registration of accounts, terminating accounts,
and deleting information and data from our service.
3. Prohibit Language.
We prohibit the use of offensive, insulting, demeaning, foul language, including language that is intended to cause
irritation based on race, sex, creed, age, and/or disability. Assist Caregivers is a place to help people, not argue or
offend. If you discover such language, please send us an email at [email protected].
4. Prohibit Images.
We only allow a single image to be posted for the person receiving care. An image must not depict any nudity,
make a political statement, or offend any user. We reserve the sole right at our discretion to determine whether an image is prohibited or not.
5. Waiver of Liability.
You acknowledge and agree that by using our web site and applications that you waive any and all rights to
sue us for any and all claims arising out of the use of our web site and applications. You further agree that we are not
responsible for the acts, lack of acts, omissions or failure to notify others that may or may not use our web site and
applications. You agree that we are not responsible for the care of a Recipient and we do not have a legal or ethical
obligation to notify anybody of anything. You agree that you may not rely on our web site and applications to fulfill any
legal or ethical obligation that you would otherwise have to anyone, including a Recipient, as a mean to fulfill such an
obligation, and you will hold us harmless to anyone making such a claim.
6. Retention of Information & Data.
You acknowledge and agree that we may be required to retain certain information and data required by state and
federal law, and that we will do so to the best of our ability but cannot guarantee our compliance because of our limited
means and technical infrastructure. You further agree and acknowledge that if required by a law enforcement agency or court
of law to produce information and/or data, we will comply such a request.
7. No Guarantee of Service.
You acknowledge and agree that we cannot guarantee availability of the use of our web site and/or applications
whether because of circumstances out of our control or maintenance.
8. Data Privacy & Security.
We will use our best efforts to secure your data from unauthorized use or access. You acknowledge and agree that
any information you provide by registering and using our web site and applications must not contain private information that
you would not want to be made public.
9. Jurisdiction.
The laws of the State of Wisconsin shall govern this Terms of Use, and any legal action related to this Terms of Use
shall be heard in the Circuit Court of Washington County, Wisconsin.
10. Marketing & Advertising.
You acknowledge and agree that we may at some point show you advertisements and send you emails from time to
time related as we deem appropriate.
11. License.
You acknowledge and agree that by using our web site and applications that you do not own the web site and
applications and that your use of our web site and applications is a revokable license by us to use our web site and applications at our discretion.
12. Modification.
You acknowledge and agree that we retain the sole right and authority to modify this Terms of Use at our
discretion in whole or in part as we determine and that your continued use of our web site and/or applications is
acknowledgment and agreement to any such modifications.
13. Integration.
This Terms of Use is the complete expression of the Terms of Use and any prior, contemporaneous, or subsequent implicit or expressed statements related to this Terms of Use are excluded.
14. Survivability.
If any part of this Terms of Use is held to be unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction all other parts shall remain enforceable and in effect.